首页> 最新动态> 伦艺动态> MA视觉艺术毕业生被皇家艺术家协会授予学生奖


发布者:   发布日期:2016-12-13 17:27:10

伦敦艺术大学近期又有捷报。Camberwell College of Arts 2016年MA Visual Arts专业的两位毕业生被授予每人£1,000的奖励作为今年Gwen MAY RE学生奖的获奖者。MA 版画毕业生Helen Hayward和MA插画毕业生Hammer Chen还获得皇家画家印刷师协会(RE)的两年的副会员资格。伦敦艺术大学上海代表处今天就带你看看他们的作品。


Camberwell 2016 MA Visual Arts graduates have been awarded £1,00o each as winners of this year’s Gwen May RE Student Prize. The winners, MA Printmaking graduate Helen Hayward and MA Illustration graduate Hammer Chen also receive two years’ associate membership of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (RE).

The Gwen May RE Student Prize is awarded each year by the RE to two UK graduates who use printmaking in their practice following an open call for entries and this is the first time that the Gwen May RE student prize has been awarded to two graduates from the same institution.


We had a chance to ask both Helen and Hammer about the work they submitted to win the prize.


Helen submitted work from two series of work ‘Flot Flot’ and the ‘Grandiose Defence’. Speaking with Helen about her work, she explained, “I am interested in narratives that reflect and explore autobiographical experience and the human condition. My two- and three-dimensional works are characters in potentially ever changing dramas and the gallery space is a stage being occupied and activated by my work”.
