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发布者:伦敦艺术大学上海招生代表处   发布日期:2023-04-13 14:27:46






2023年6月5日-2023年7月28日 8周课程

时尚设计入门课程 Introduction to Fashion Design

This summer school is an excellent introduction to the fundamentals of fashion design.

时尚管理入门课程 Introduction to Fashion Business

Find out about what is involved in London College of Fashion's Study Abroad Business Summer School.


2023年7月3日-2023年7月21日 3周课程

艺术史、批评与传播课程 Art History, Criticism and Communication

Enhance engagement and understanding of contemporary visual practice and theory in art history, criticism and communication.

当代艺术实践课程 Contemporary Fine Art Practice

Enhance engagement and understanding of contemporary visual practice and theory in art history, criticism and communication.

实验性时尚针织课程 Experimental Fashion Knitwear

From sketchbook to developing fashion and fabric designs, the course is a taster of BA Fashion Design with Knitwear at CSM.

时尚传媒第一期课程 Fashion Communication Session 1

Fashion Communication covers how fashion designers and brands get their messages and products out to a global audience.

时尚设计第一期课程 Fashion Design Session 1

Students develop fashion ideas into designs, exploring illustration techniques, to present final work at a portfolio standard.

平面设计课程 Graphic Communication Design

Explore contemporary graphic design through studio projects, turning you from a design student into a design thinker.

插画创作课程 Illustration

On this 3-week course students will engage in a range of experimental research methods in order to strengthen your illustration practice.

室内设计课程 Interior Design

Creative exercises and workshops lead you through the basics of interior design, and process to completing a finished project.

纺织设计课程 Textile Design

Visual primary research and studio practice looks at composition, colour and design through printing techniques for textiles.

2023年7月24日-2023年8月11日 3周课程

公共关系与广告设计课程 Communication for PR and Advertising

3-week summer course exploring the theories of contemporary communication practices. You will look at Public Relations strategically from an organisational perspective, as well as the promotion of products, brands and services.

数码摄影作品集课程 Digital Photography Portfolio

Develop a portfolio of photographic work, gain new skills in digital photography and grow your existing knowledge of the history, theory and practice of photography. Explore street portraiture, studio portraiture and the urban landscape.

时尚设计进阶课程 Advanced Fashion Design

This 3 week course is designed to give you an authentic Central Saint Martins fashion design experience, using experimental research and design development pathways that are original and innovative.

时尚传媒课程第二期课程 Fashion Communication Session 2

Fashion Communication covers how fashion designers and brands get their messages and products out to a global audience.

时尚设计课程第二期课程 Fashion Design Session 2

Students develop fashion ideas into designs, exploring illustration techniques, to present final work at a portfolio standard.

平面媒体设计课程 Graphic Media Design

On this three-week course, you will explore the relationships between graphic design, communication systems and media processes through studio based technical workshops, discussions and other activities. With an emphasis on visual research and exploration we will examine the function of typography.



电话报名:021 33632278 / 33632280 / 33632281