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UAL International Summer School 16-18岁

发布者:伦敦艺术大学上海招生办   发布日期:2017-06-22 21:03:08

UAL International Summer School是一个为期三周的夏季住宿课程,提供一个独特的机会在所有六个学院学习:坎伯韦尔艺术学院,中央圣马丁,切尔西艺术学院,伦敦学院 通讯,伦敦时装学院和温布尔登艺术学院。

课程的宿舍Sketch House - 伦敦艺术大学的新的宿舍之一,几分钟内能够抵达维多利亚线,可以方便到达伦敦的各个地区,您将通过艺术和设计项目探索丰富的文化遗产和社会多样性。

What’s included…


Experience a day or more  working in the specialist areas of each of the six UAL colleges 


Experience life as an art & design student in London


Guidance on the application process for the UAL Foundation Diploma in Art & Design


Advice on preparing and presenting a strong art and design portfolio


Experience the energy and vibrancy of London as a world city including off-site visits to galleries and places of interest.


Guest lecturers including specialist practitioners, associate lecturers and past students


Evening and weekend social activities to galleries and places of interest


Certificates of attendance and prizes awarded at the end of the course


Airport transfers to and from London Heathrow airport


Ensuite, single rooms with interior’s inspired by the artist community in the area


24x7 helpline and overnight Summer School Representatives


Accompanied travel between the halls of residence and UAL colleges


Pre-paid travel card for local transport across London, for the full duration of the course
